Summer School is COOL

Ag Education on the Move (AEOTM) summer programming is off to a great start in St. Francois, Washington, Perry, Franklin, Buchanan, Platte, Jackson, Ray, and Saline counties.



Try your hand at homemade ice cream. Click here for recipe.

Students have fun while making butter as part of the dairy unit of the summer AEOTM series. Students learn the important journey of milk once it leaves the farm, and how livestock is a top priority for farm families 365 days a year. Participants also learn about:

  • Milk and its nine essential nutrients

  • Life cycle of a dairy cow

  • What cows eat

  • How cows are milked

  • How technology allows farmers to be more efficient

  • Dairy products that help aide in strong bones and teeth

Pictured below: Students in Potosi and Park Hills learn about milk during AEOTM summer school program.

#WashingtonCo #StFrancois #Summer

GeneralKari Asbury